Friday, August 7, 2009

Yours' Friendly...

It's the most beautiful and outstanding relationship;
Not everyone gets a chance in life for its ownership!

Completely reserved only for those lucky ones;
Leaving many, longing for it to happen, atleast once!

Chases away your insecurity feeling;
The words "You are not alone" keeps ringing;

Helps you cross unimaginable boundaries;
With collective confidence and ease!

Connects individuals by a bond, strong and best;
That always passes even life's most critical test!

Teaches you how to be self-less;
Allows you to be yourself without any fuss!

Defined by loving and missing each other;
These two inexplicables make it special n dear!

It is truly a feeling for a lifetime;
We call it true friendship all the time!

Gives you a genuine companion "Friend";
Who is more than glad to come along with you till the end!
Who feels and cares for you from the depth of the heart;
Who accepts you, irrespective of the total, in your mistakes cart!

Yep! I have experienced it;
And I thank God for every bit!

To my frds, this is all wat I have to say;
"Yeh dosti hum nahi chodengey"!!