Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It is the bubble that is fun!

Yesterday was jolly time. I got to spend few minutes with a kid studying in 4th grade. Here, I can confidently call her a kid else by God! this generation kids hate to be addressed as kids! I am wondering how else to refer them? (Suggestions are welcome)

As I was chatting with her I saw that in her mouth. She kept on biting and chewing it with all her teeth-force. I tried ignoring and continued talking to her. Atlast I could not control my temptation the moment I saw the bubble coming out of the bubble gum. She tried hard but managed a small one. So there I went,
Hey what bubble gum are you having?
Oh is it a new one in the market?
No akka some what old one only (Obviously my records are 15 yrs older :( )

Then I recollected what all was there when I was in school. Boomer, Big bubble, Big Fun, chiclets etc. I could manage only this much (If you remember more, please do let me know!)

I loved them :) I had them often that time. Convincing mom was a piece of cake. May be this is also why you should have a younger brother. Prompt he used to take the initiative when it comes to this ( Only this ok?) He was my bubble gum partner and we used to compare the size of our bubbles. I think I won always.... well, I must have won :P

I remember, my mom used to say so many things to stop us from having them. One of them was (I am unable to control my laughter) She had told "Dey dont have bubble gum, doctors say eating more of it will cause cancer" rofl. Even that did not refrain us.

We used to buy not only for the bubble fun but also for the tatoos and stickers that came along with them. Whenever a new bubble gum or an offer comes to the market, it was so damn easy to find out.
A.You yourself keep pesturing the shopkeeper everytime you go "Anna is there anything new?"
B.Your neighbour flaunts the new tatoo or sticker in her hands.
C.Your classmate does the same.

Ultimate fun is when your bubble breaks and sticks on your nose. You take the gum out in a very heroistic style.. "hey look, it was such a big bubble dude, thats why its come and stuck this far" attitude :)

Gosh! so innocent and dream days those were! (Even now at times I have mentos chewing gum but thats not a bubble producing variety. Its been years I had one of those kinds)

After the kid left I had been to a super market to get some personal stuffs. At the cash counter, hurray! I see boomer large one :) So what if those days are gone? you can relive them now, this very moment said my mind.

Later, I was driving back home in my car with old music on and boomer in my mouth. Aaah!! what a feeling. Waah! Waah! seconds later, a big bubble from my mouth. Felt cool! Felt wonderful!

It is the bubble that adds fun! :)

P.S. There is a kid residing inside each one of us;
      Pamper that kid once in a while with no fuss!

      Growing old will get more spicier this way;
      After all we are here only for a short stay;
      Try for yourself and have fun, what say?