Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thank you, my God!

The sleepless nights she spends;
Praying only for you, never ends!

The tears that roll down her eyes;
When you are in pain, never dries!

The strength she possesses to defy all odds;
And stand by you, is above all brave hearts!

The small fights she has with you;
Is her unconditional love for you!

The punching bag that she becomes often;
To vent out your anger, does not weaken!

The running she does to take care of your simple needs;
Showing no signs of aging, is one of her many selfless deeds!

Definitely, she is the one person, Yes;
Even Gods are insecure of and envious!

A mother's bonding with her children;
Purest, the feeling is seventh heaven!

Every moment with her is indeed very special;
Can't pick one, everything about her is surreal!

To my God, My Amma,
Happy Mother's day!! :-)


Karthik said...

Hats off to all dear moms and lucky enough to have one as well:)
You all are awesome in each and every way possible.
As usual great stuff and can't tell how much I enjoy reading your blog, it's incredible ;)

Keep going!!!

Shylu Paru said...

Thanks!! Karthik.

Sarvi said...

That's true.
And she cares more about you than she cares about herself.
And she dedicates her life to the family than she cares about her own health.
Mom - No Better Gift God Could Have Given On Your Birthday..!

Saravanan Class XII said...

Hi Shylu, Hope you are doing good. After 7 years from the last response, I have met my Mom only in a couple of visits. I wish I'm with her now.